Dermal Infusion (Botox Facial) - Microchanneling

This is a micro-injection system that painlessly delivers custom solutions into the skin with microneedles. This single use disposable applicator is filled with ingredients tailored to your skin – such as vitamins, enzymes and micro quantities of botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid. It is then applied gently to the surface of your skin. It is used on the face, neck, chest and back of the hands.

The ingredients are delivered directly into the dermis. This allows for alternative uses of injectables such as toxins and fillers to achieve whole-face rejuvenation.

 “Microtox” or “Mesotox” is a term used for the application of botulinum toxin injection into the dermis of the skin rather than into the muscle. Toxins will treat larger areas of the dermis with diluted Botox and diluted hyaluronic acid (filler). This treatment is used on all skin types. It decreases oil production, improves acne and enlarged pores, and improves aging skin fine lines and wrinkles. This is for an all over skin tightening, rejuvenation and plumping effect (having no effect on the muscle).




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Takes care of arm skin
